
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reindeer Cookies

If only Santa came to my house. He'd be getting some seriously cute cookies.

Although, they weren't so cute to begin with...

I kept looking at my cookie cutter, trying to envision how to decorate these skinny little reindeer with their big fat necks, and I just couldn't.

Seriously, what kind of radioactive animal is this? It looks like a cross between an emaciated deer and a lion. 

So I started doing a little fiddling and re-shaping and bending and figured out how to make it work.

Much better.

Fancied up with some royal icing, they look even cuter.

Love the little dots on their rumps!

And of course, what's a group of reindeer without Rudolph?

Santa's missing out. Oh well, his loss is our gain.

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